
Hi all! I want to add action to page Users please tell me how to made it?

Hi all! I want to add select checkbox to abp-table but i dont't know how to made it. Currently, I'm using primeng table Thanks

Hi all! I want to show modal when click User Salesforce Hierarchy as below. But i don't know how to make it (i'm using Angular) Please help me

thanks @ididsbury! I have created action. I want show modal when click User Salesforce Hierarchy as below. Please help me

i'm using angular

i'm using Angular

I have defined abp-modal html as below

how to embed it into Usercomponent


that's perfect! Thank you so much

Thank you so much

Hi all! I have some setting defined in module BackendService. How i can get all setting of module BackendService in module DDC.Core. I use SettingDefinitionManager.GetAll() but i don't see any setting of module BackendService Thanks

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