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How to include Suite entities in my source-control system? #625

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alper criada
Equipe de Apoio Director

I want to have my Suite entities included in my GitHub repository. How to do that?

1 resposta (s)
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    alper criada
    Equipe de Apoio Director

    This feature is implemented in v4.0.0 RC.5 and the release of RC5 is 2020-12-04. Starting from v4.0, your entities will be located in the .suite folder in your solution's root directory. On the other hand to keep the same behaviour for the old projects, it still saves it in the existing directory => %UserProfile%\.abp\suite\solutions\{solution-id}\entities\

    if you want your Suite entities to be included in your Git system, follow the steps:

    • create a folder named .suite in your root directory.
    • move all your entites (*.json) from %UserProfile%\.abp\suite\solutions\{solution-id}\entities\ folder to the new folder .suite/entities
    • delete entities folder (mandatory) => %UserProfile%\.abp\suite\solutions\{solution-id}\entities

Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on março 25, 2024, 15:11