Activities of "alexander.nikonov"

Not sure. Probably it's related. You might close this one. But if that ticket is resolved, however this problem does not go away - I will reopen this ticket.

The log has been already attached (Google Drive link above).

Hi. The project is a customized version of ABP project. I don't think it would be possible to do what you offer. Neither I can share the source code - by sending it or demonstrating the screen. Could you please at least make some guesses what could go wrong looking at the attached logs and my comments? Thanks.

Not resolved. Reopening.

Not resolved. Reopening.

UPDATE: please have a look at what's going on during logout at Identity Server, probably would ring some bell to you:

To me it looks like concurrent calls to Task<IdentityUser> FindAsync (which is eventually cancelled as seen from the attached log) from:

    using AbxEps.CentralTools.AbxUsers;
    using AbxEps.CentralTools.Extensions;
    using AbxEps.CentralTools.Jobs;
    using AbxEps.CentralTools.Sessions;
    using AbxEps.CentralTools.Tenants;
    using IdentityServer4.Models;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Security.Claims;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Volo.Abp.Identity;
    using Volo.Abp.IdentityServer.AspNetIdentity;
    using Volo.Abp.MultiTenancy;
    using Volo.Abp.PermissionManagement;
    using IdentityUser = Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser;
    namespace AbxEps.CentralTools.IdentityServer.Profile
        public class AbxProfileService : AbpProfileService
            private readonly ITenantRepository           _abxTenantRepository;
            private readonly IAbxUserRepository          _abxUserRepository;
            private readonly ISessionRepository          _abxSessionRepository;
            private readonly IJobRepository              _abxJobRepository;
            private readonly IHttpContextAccessor        _httpContextAccessor;
            public AbxProfileService
                IdentityUserManager                       userManager,
                IAbxUserRepository                        abxUserRepository,
                IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory&lt;IdentityUser&gt; claimsFactory,
                ICurrentTenant                            currentTenant,
                ITenantRepository                         abxTenantRepository,
                IHttpContextAccessor                      httpContextAccessor,
                ISessionRepository                        abxSessionRepository,
                IJobRepository                            abxJobRepository
                :base(userManager, claimsFactory, currentTenant)
                _abxTenantRepository        = abxTenantRepository;
                _abxUserRepository          = abxUserRepository;
                _httpContextAccessor        = httpContextAccessor;
                _abxSessionRepository       = abxSessionRepository;
                _abxJobRepository           = abxJobRepository;
            public override async Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
                using (CurrentTenant.Change(context.Subject.FindTenantId())) //is invoked a couple of times and probably is invoking Task&lt;IdentityUser&gt; FindAsync too below
                    await base.GetProfileDataAsync(context);
            public override async Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context)
                using (CurrentTenant.Change(context.Subject.FindTenantId())) //is invoked a couple of times and invoking Task&lt;IdentityUser&gt; FindAsync below
                    var abpUser = await UserManager.GetUserAsync(context.Subject);
                    var abxUser = abpUser == null ? null : await _abxUserRepository.GetAsync(abpUser.Id);
                    await base.IsActiveAsync(context);

and the middleware:

    private async Task OnSessionEndRequestAsync(HttpContext httpContext, IdentityUserManager userManager)
            var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(httpContext.User); // Cancellation exception!
        catch(Exception ex)
            _logger.LogError(ex, "Session End handling error");

during logout...

I think all in all you are right about that. But there's another problem. So I put the debug point in intercept call - I'm getting there ONCE or TWO TIMES (those are request to Identity Server) after I already pressed "Logout" button: So I release the debug point and receive this bunch of API requests with error 401... I have created another ticket ( - that I actually cannot logout from the page other than Home page. The guy there answers he cannot do anything, because the problem is not reproduced on his end. So I don't know whether these two problems are related and what to do.

I understand. I suspect it could be a back-end issue with Identity Server, so that token revocation is not successful. Could you please tell me how to troubleshoot this? I may send our Identity Server log for the period of logging out, so maybe you would notice the root cause. Here are one (sometimes two) requests which triggers after I click the "Logout" button: Afterwards I'm getting API requests from my component which are not supposed to be run, because I'm logging out - so they produce error 401. And eventually I'm landed to Home page without logging out.

Saying honestly, I still hoped I would be able to use unsubscriber$ in the component base class to control everything. It's a pity there's no some observable i can watch to change it... I would prefer not to scatter the changes around different classes (e.g. HttpInterceptor, etc.)

Well, at least it's possible make it working using AbpPermissionOptions.. I don't know why it requires it. But seems like I managed to make "dynamic" permission definition provider work properly combining "static" and "dynamic" values:

    private IDictionary&lt;string, PermissionGroupDefinition&gt; _dynamicPermissionGroupDefinitions = new Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionGroupDefinition&gt;();
    protected IDictionary&lt;string, PermissionGroupDefinition&gt; PermissionGroupDefinitions
            var staticGroupDefinitions = _lazyPermissionGroupDefinitions.Value;
            var combinedGroupDefinitions = new Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionGroupDefinition&gt;(staticGroupDefinitions);
            foreach (var userAddedGroupDefinition in _dynamicPermissionGroupDefinitions)
                combinedGroupDefinitions[userAddedGroupDefinition.Key] = userAddedGroupDefinition.Value;
            return combinedGroupDefinitions;
    private readonly Lazy&lt;Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionGroupDefinition&gt;> _lazyPermissionGroupDefinitions;

    private IDictionary&lt;string, PermissionDefinition&gt; _dynamicPermissionDefinitions = new Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionDefinition&gt;();
    protected IDictionary&lt;string, PermissionDefinition&gt; PermissionDefinitions
            var staticDefinitions = _lazyPermissionDefinitions.Value;
            var combinedDefinitions = new Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionDefinition&gt;(staticDefinitions);
            foreach (var userAddedDefinition in _dynamicPermissionDefinitions)
                combinedDefinitions[userAddedDefinition.Key] = userAddedDefinition.Value;
            return combinedDefinitions;
    private readonly Lazy&lt;Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionDefinition&gt;> _lazyPermissionDefinitions;

    protected AbpPermissionOptions Options { get; }

    private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;

    public ExtendedStaticPermissionDefinitionStore(
        IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
        IOptions&lt;AbpPermissionOptions&gt; options)
        _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
        Options = options.Value;

        _lazyPermissionDefinitions = new Lazy&lt;Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionDefinition&gt;>(
            isThreadSafe: true

        _lazyPermissionGroupDefinitions = new Lazy&lt;Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionGroupDefinition&gt;>(
            isThreadSafe: true

    public void AddPermissionDefinitionProvider(IPermissionDefinitionProvider permissionDefinitionProvider)
        using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope())
            var context = new PermissionDefinitionContext(scope.ServiceProvider);


            foreach (var group in context.Groups)
                _dynamicPermissionGroupDefinitions[group.Key] = group.Value;

            var permissions = new Dictionary&lt;string, PermissionDefinition&gt;();

            foreach (var groupDefinition in _dynamicPermissionGroupDefinitions.Values)
                foreach (var permission in groupDefinition.Permissions)
                    AddPermissionToDictionaryRecursively(permissions, permission);

            foreach (var permission in permissions)
                _dynamicPermissionDefinitions[permission.Key] = permission.Value;

Probably would come in handy for someone. Closing the ticket... Thanks for inspiration!

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on 3月 25, 2024, 15:11