Attività di "andmattia"


I'll try but I need to do that on AuthServer, on IdentityService or both?

Can you give more details?

I see the class

public class ExternalProviderSettingsHelper : ITransientDependency

How can override it. I don't have a specific interface? And where I do it? In Auth Server or in IdentityService (I'm in a Tye/microservice solution)

The Idea is to have a UI similar at this:

but if you create a module from suite the module use @volo/

And I set my class like I has describe in fist post.

When I build module import in a final app that use @volosoft/ some classes not existes (es lepton1)

The html work on Lepton but not in Lepton-x. So it not possibible devleop a component based on lepton (default in module template). I need to convert all module to Lepton-X?

About Lepton-X where I can see a full guide (like a metronic on ASPNET Zero)?


I see this doc but ther'is not a full guide for classes and component.

And about module?

I see and I try

Ok I try.



I try and write my feedback.


yes I do and it works but my request (look at imege on first message) is to inject in Manage profile.

can I use


export function configureTabs(tabs: ManageProfileTabsService) {
 return () => {   

This service is undere AccountPro


Your link it's refer to setting in administration area my request is to inject in user setting menu

I can do it for single get method or need to be enable for all?

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