Activities of "marketbus"

This is a Blazor Server-Side Application. I assumed that Volo.Payment.Web was for an MVC application.

I used ABP Suite to create my project. Although the Volo.Payment.HttpApi nuget was added to the [ProjectName].HttpApi project. Volo.Payment.Web has to be manually added to the solution.

Even then, doing a simple test in the browser by going to the url /Payment/GatewaySelection?paymentRequestId=12345 returns an autofac exception. If you can upload a sample ABP Suite Blazor Server-Side project to Github with the payment Gateway url working that would be great.

ComponentNotRegisteredException: The requested service 'Volo.Payment.Pages.Payment.GatewaySelectionModel' has not been registered.

Volo.Payment.HttpApi includes webhook endpoints. If you add that dependency properly, the endpoint will exist in your application. Also sending a test webhook will always return an error because the application can't find any entry with a randomly generated id sent by test request.

When testing the webhook through stripe It's returning a 404, not a 400.

Can you please share what exception you got?

System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'SessionId' was not present in the dictionary.

It's looking for me to do:

await _paymentRequestAppService.CompleteAsync(new CompletePaymentRequestDto() { Id = paymentRequest.Id, GateWay = "stripe", ExtraProperties = { { "SessionId", ????? } } });

But since I am not able to suppy an SessionId it's throwing that exception.

There is currently no documentation / code examples for using the payments module to process a payment from end to end using blazor server. Could you provide an example? PaymentWebOptions for example, is not included in the default nugets for blazor server.

After you mentioned that the Admin page was include, I had a look at my main Blazor project and none of the payment modules were added to that project aby ABP Suite (4.4.3). So I manually added them. After that I received an Automapper exception complaining about Extraproperties being null. So I went into ExtensionsConfigurator and added an additional property and that seemed to do the trick and it's working now.

However, for the Public UI side of things, I guess we should just build that porition out?

I lost a lof of time to this as well. But it seems in 5.0.0-rc1, the problem for the most part has been resolved.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on March 25, 2024, 15:11