Activities of "salih"

Hello, have you looked here? Configuration may be missing.

Your code does not have configuration

Configure<AbpAutoMapperOptions>(options =>
    //Add all mappings defined in the assembly of the MyModule class

Hello, I can't comment because I don't know the content of your classes. There may be a map you forgot to add. Can you share the source code? Hi you can do abp update --version 7.0.1 like here

Hello, not all commercial packages have been released for version 7.0.2.

Can you share where it gives error?

Hello, have you looked here? Configuration may be missing.

Hello, can you perform the manual installation from this document?


This suggests checking out the following resources for a solution to your issue: (as an alternative if the first resource does not resolve the issue)

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on března 25, 2024, 15:11