Aktivity „trannguyenphucanh“

Hello, is there any update on this?

I will check it again. Thank you so much.

Hello, I send the error logs.

Thank you. So how does the security of .NET 6 compare to .NET 7?

Because I've just done some research, .NET 7 has faster performance indeed, but nowhere mentions the improvement of security between 2 versions, so I assume it's pretty much the same, doesn't it?

Hi, is there any update?

I tried to put modelBuilder.UseGuidCollation(string.Empty); in DbContextModelCreatingExtensions instead of DbContext and run migration, the parameter collations for newly created column are all disappeared, which is good, but it also alters current columns collation:

Because current columns use default collation, their collation parameter shouldn't be added, and surely not ascii_general_ci.

Could you guy take a look at this?

Perfect! QA's package is a bit different but I still managed to make it work. Thank you so much.

Can you send your package.json ? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BcqXOAeBxPdKhjVqB_Gv9eOAXiQkucBE/view?usp=share_link

What is the result of yarn why @abp/ng.components?

The remainder of warning part is the same as previous screenshot.


resolutions key is yarn specific key. Can you try with yarn install?

Hi, I tried yarn install but nothing changed. I also get these warnings:


Can you try after removing yarn.lock file and node_modules folder and installing packages with the yarn command?

You can check the installed package version with yarn why @abp/ng.components

I removed yarn.lock, package-lock.json files and node_modules folder, then install with npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps command as npm install encountered unable to resolve dependency tree error.

Now the local environment gets the same error likes the others.

Edit: The package-lock.json is re-installed with many v5.3.5 packages, but the yarn.lock file didn't get re-installed.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marca 25, 2024, 15:11