أنشطة "liangshiwei"


You can check the src attribute's value of the img tag, are they the same?


First, you can add the logoUrl, faviconUrl to the SaasTenant entity via Module Entity Extensions


Then, you can customize the brand-component to get the logoUrl and faviconUrl from the tenant(you can add an API).


Also, I want to change the content of this Home section. Can I get some reference URL on how to do that ?

The HTML source code is in your project; you can make any changes you want.


This is the logic of suite looking for <YourProjectName>Permission.cs

It expects to find the <YourProjectName>Permission.cs class file in the directory Application.Contracts\Permissions or Application.Contracts\Authorization

Could you please share the full logs? thanks


That's weird. Could you please share a simple project with me? i will check it.

my email is shiwei.liang@volosoft.com


this is only a portion of the call stack, I can post the rest if needed (character limit)

Yes, please share the full error logs


On the Dashboard page - http://localhost:4200/ - we call the API to get a list post from Blogging. Now we can not see the uploaded image

Is there any error message?


You can change the current user context. For example:

public class MyBackgroundJob : AsyncBackgroundJob<MyBackgroundJobArgs>
    private readonly ICurrentPrincipalAccessor _principalAccessor;
    private readonly IdentityUserManager _identityUserManager;

    public MyBackgroundJob(ICurrentPrincipalAccessor principalAccessor, IdentityUserManager identityUserManager)
        _principalAccessor = principalAccessor;
        _identityUserManager = identityUserManager;

    public override async Task ExecuteAsync(MyBackgroundJobArgs args)
        // get messages....
        var messages = ....;
        using (_principalAccessor.Change(await CreateUserClaimsPrincipalFromMessagesAsync(messages)))
            //send messages here...

    private async Task<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateUserClaimsPrincipalFromMessagesAsync(messages...)
        var user = await  _identityUserManager.FindByNameAsync(messages.UserName);
        var roles = await _identityUserManager.GetRolesAsync(user);
        var claims = new List<Claim>
            new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.UserId, user.Id.ToString()),
            new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.UserName, user.UserName),
            new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.Email,user.Email),
            new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.TenantId,user.TenantId?.ToString()),
        claims.AddRange(roles.Select(x => new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.Role, x)));
        return new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claims));


I can confirm it's a bug, and we will fix it in the next patch version.

Your ticket was refunded.

You can try to clear the access-token.bin file, and try logout&login.

For Windows it's => %UserProfile%.abp\cli
For Linux it must be $HOME => /home/user/.abp/cli/

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on مارس 25, 2024, 15:11