Activities of "liangshiwei"


You can consider to add a new permission named SalesOrder.Screen



Will this can help you?


Sorry for that. We will upgrade all related packages.

As a temporary solution, you can add references to the latest versions of these packages in your project

Your ticket was refunded.


This is a bug.

We checked it again.

You can override the CSS file to remove the --lpx-logo as a workaround.


For me, I prefer the third one

sales order transaction screen


urchase order screen



SixLabors.ImageSharp Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens

We have upgraded these packages in the next version.

Azure.Identity Microsoft.Data.SqlClient

ABP does not use these packages, you can check your project package references

As a temporary solution, you can add references to the latest versions of these packages in your project

Could you try change the logger level to debug and share the full logs? thanks.

If you use this access_token to access the APIs, will it work?


when admins create a group and link it with the allowed services, system create role with the same name of group and assign linked services permissions to this role.

You can create an event handler to subscribe to entity creation events to create roles:

For example:

public class MyHandler
    : ILocalEventHandler<EntityCreatedEventData<YourGroupEntity>>,
    private readonly 
    public async Task HandleEventAsync(
        EntityCreatedEventData<YourGroupEntity> eventData)
        // create role and assign permissions here.

admins can not add any user to those roles mentioned above. (except via our developed api Groups APIs)

Extend the IdentityRole by adding a new column to identify the role as a group role and override the IdentityUserAppService to filter data.

For example:

public class MyIdentityUserAppService : IdentityUserAppService
    public MyIdentityUserAppService(IdentityUserManager userManager, IIdentityUserRepository userRepository,
        IIdentityRoleRepository roleRepository, IOrganizationUnitRepository organizationUnitRepository,
        IIdentityClaimTypeRepository identityClaimTypeRepository,
        IdentityProTwoFactorManager identityProTwoFactorManager, IOptions<IdentityOptions> identityOptions,
        IDistributedEventBus distributedEventBus, IOptions<AbpIdentityOptions> abpIdentityOptions,
        IPermissionChecker permissionChecker,
        IDistributedCache<IdentityUserDownloadTokenCacheItem, string> downloadTokenCache,
        IDistributedCache<ImportInvalidUsersCacheItem, string> importInvalidUsersCache) : base(userManager,
        userRepository, roleRepository, organizationUnitRepository, identityClaimTypeRepository,
        identityProTwoFactorManager, identityOptions, distributedEventBus, abpIdentityOptions, permissionChecker,
        downloadTokenCache, importInvalidUsersCache)

    public override async Task<ListResultDto<IdentityRoleDto>> GetAssignableRolesAsync()
        var roles = await base.GetAssignableRolesAsync();
        // Filter roles

customers-users can not login via angular/auth (the built-in apis) login page. (or if it possible to link users with a client_id, so how can we check this).

If you don't let them log in, then how do they use the app?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on March 25, 2024, 15:11