Activities of "rwright-ruhealth"

Feature request: Is it possible to label generated classes and interfaces as partial in ABP suite in next version 7.4? This is a feature request. Please do not count against support allotment. Thanks.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.2
  • UI Type: / MVC / RAzor
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): tiered multi-solution mvc/razor
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Would like the search to search all items in the File Manager instead of searching only the selected tree. Your help is appreciated. using source code version of File Manager and ABP Suite commercial. Thank you.

Not sure if this is a bug or something but I can't for the life of me find where I can change the text ("ProjectName") here. Logo I know how to change.

It does not appear to use AppName or anything else I've found in the code?    
public class TodoManagerBrandingProvider : DefaultBrandingProvider   
    public override string AppName => "My new name here";   

Anyone still alive in here?

hi, this is not a bug! To get help on this customization question, you can create a new ticket. this topic is only for bugs

If this is declared as not a bug, but trying the obvious doesn't' work, then it's a bug. Provide the work-around or fix the problem, please. Thanks ABP team. I know you are better than this smug reply to a real problem. Creating a ticket only to get a refund for not fixing what should work by design? Even the base class defaultbrandingprovider has these properties to override. Additionally, overriding in global css shouldn't have to be the solution when the defaultbrandingprovider exposes light logo dark logo and AppName

ABP: To solve the problem as a commercial user, I downloaded and modified the source code for File Manager and that seems to solve all problems. Thank you.

  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.2
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Layered MVC
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  • Create an application with ABP Suite commercial using Book example. Fix everything up script wise and pagewise to respect the virtual app path "https://myhost/myapp"- Everything works fine.
  • Add File Management Module via ABP Suite CLI,
  • Launch website at https://localhost/myapp and navigate to File Management from the Menu.
  • Attempt to add a Folder. Nothing happens. browser debugger shows script is not found, because file manager is looking for it in the root of the site at https://myhost/Pages/FileManagement/Directory/createModal.js
  • instead of
  • https://myhost/myapp/Pages/FileManagement/Directory/createModal.js
  • This seems to be hard-coded in the package setup.
  • How can I override the FileManagement script path for Virtual dir / Sub applications?


  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.2 ABP Suite
  • UI Type: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core SQL Server
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): Separated MVC
  • Exception message and full stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  • BUG: When I create an entity in ABP suite and generate code, abp suite overwrites fixes I made to its buggy code and it regenerates code every time. This is particularly true when using DBSchema const set to something other than null, and when creating simple realtionships.
  • I would like to override it's changes.
  • Also, delete entity doesn't delete anything from the UI. If I delete the Book entity, it remains in the UI and in the DB.
  • Consider this a bug report as well. It should not count against my alloted questions.
  • I appreciate any feedback.
  • ABP Framework version: v7.3.2 using ABP SUITE 7.3.2
  • UI Type: Angular / MVC / Blazor WASM / Blazor Server: MVC
  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc..) / MongoDB : SQL Server
  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes/no Tiered(yes)
  • Exception message and full stack trace: NONE
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:

Create the navigation properties tutorial as seen in article: many-to-many tutorial on ABP Commercial

Code Generated afterspecifiying the related entity name in Property Name : OTHERS at the bottom of ABP Suite page appends the word "dbo" or the specified schema to the entity name. expected behavior: Produce the Typed in Entity Name. Observations: Code created by your wizard adds a "+" sign instead of a comma when using Fluent create table. example:

           /* This line is incorrect and it gets generated everytime 
              and can't be changed. The only option is to set DbSchema const to empty string. 
              I need DBSchema const set. */
            builder.Entity<BookObjCategoryObj>(b =>
                /* BAD!!!! should be a comma not a "+" plus sign.*/
             b.ToTable(Trakv1Consts.DbTablePrefix + "BookObjCategoryObj" + Trakv1Consts.DbSchema); 
            b.HasKey(x => new { x.BookObjId, x.CategoryObjId });

            b.HasOne<BookObj>().WithMany(x => x.BookCategory).HasForeignKey(x => x.BookObjId).IsRequired().OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.NoAction);
            b.HasOne<CategoryObj>().WithMany().HasForeignKey(x => x.CategoryObjId).IsRequired().OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.NoAction);
                x => new { x.BookObjId, x.CategoryObjId }

// Can you fix, please? Also, this is a bug, so kindly don't charge against our allotment. 
       /* Every other create table gets it right until you try many-to-many relationships.*/   

Thank you for your time and attention. P.S.: This feature used to work in previous versions.

The current link to LeptonX documentation on the page goes to a 404. has a link to leptonx theme documentation which 404s. (404 page)

this is not a support question. Please do not charge against my support question allotment.


If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:

  • ABP Framework version: v7.2.2
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF CORE
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes (TIERED)
  • Exception message and stack trace: BUILD ERROR when creating Book Tutorial Identifier Expected. Type Expected
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"Create a Books project using ABP Suite and the Books Tutorial Create A books class of AuditedAggregate Root and some fields.
  • Save and Build the project. Run the DBMigrator if needed. Run the Web App. Should work fine.
  • Add a BookType Class with a string property of Type and Aggregate Root. Choose to Make the Type field ReadOnly on Update. Save.. Save and Generate.
  • ** Build fails.**
  • The problem upon examination of the code:
  • ABP suite puts 2 commas in the domain class Update method; Does not put the keyword Type in the update method of the class, which is correct. It does put the extra comma.
  • In ABP suite, Change the Name from Type to BookType.
  • Save. Save and Generate. Build Fails. the comma problem still exists, the BookType is omitted from the UpdateAsync method (AS IT SHOULD BE, since it was chosen as READONLY on update)
  • The problem is that the ABP Suite Code Generator for READONLY on update forgets to remove the comma associated with the omitted field.
* public async Task<BookType> UpdateAsync(
            int id,  /****SHOULD NOT have A BookType field which is Correct. However, should not have the comma on the next line either.***/
            , [CanBeNull] string concurrencyStamp = null

            var bookType = await _bookTypeRepository.GetAsync(id);

            return await _bookTypeRepository.UpdateAsync(bookType);
This occurs in all update methods. Removing the extra comma allows the project to build.
I expect not  to have this count against my alloted support questions as it is a BUG.
Thank you.


Removing WEBDAV from the IIS server via remove roles/features solved the delete issue we were experiencing.

We still are encountering pathing issues with inbuilt pieces of ABP commercial. When trying to change the profile picture, the upload xmlhttprequest is trying to POST to the root of the site and it does not include the virtual application path. Is there a document published by ABP that covers proper configuration for applications served from virtual application directories, i.e.

SEE this post as well: (DOES NOT WORK FOR ME)

The path being posted to is: Volo.Abp.Account.Public.Web.Pages.Account.ManageModel.B8A9BBA0EEE4D03117FA135C1ED22DE0.js?_v=638161345940120111:5

   POST 404  The POST request should be  This works locally, but not on production server.

The error is: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON at JSON.parse (<anonymous>) at Object.getResponseData (Volo.Abp.Account.Public.Web.Pages.Account.ManageModel.B8A9BBA0EEE4D03117FA135C1ED22DE0.js?_v=638161345940120111:5:696191) at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (Volo.Abp.Account.Public.Web.Pages.Account.ManageModel.B8A9BBA0EEE4D03117FA135C1ED22DE0.js?_v=638161345940120111:5:699320)

Thank you.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on března 25, 2024, 15:11