Attività di "masum.ulu"

Hi alex,

Can you tell me your steps for fix this issue, The problem was about the drag and drop the claim items and we fixed on 7.0.3 version did you update your project 7.0.3 or later ?

Hi ed, 1.Currently we display error like this can you show your case for first question with screen shot ?

2.question is about LocationStrategy > HashLocationStrategy in angular it must be marked as useHash: true in your project can you remove this property inside routing module

3.question is related with your own case, it depends on how you want to display clients (or whatever is your domain) specificity, abp creates basic CRUD pages for you. You can customize this pages as you wish. Here's the example that you can use in your case

Hi alex, First of all, your question is not clear Secondly current question is closed if you have an issue create another question please

Hi andmattia, Your code just prevent go to link not hide item from menu, you need to set permission or create new condition for visiblity of route item for example

function configureRoutes(routesService: RoutesService) {
  const config = inject(ConfigStateService);
  const isHost = config.getOne('currentUser').roles.includes('host');

  return () => {
        path: '/identity',
        name: '::Menu:IdentityManagement',
        iconClass: 'fas fa-users',
        order: 2,
        layout: eLayoutType.application,
        invisible: isHost,
        //Or this
        requiredPolicy: 'AbpIdentity.Roles',

Hi burkay,

We fix this issue on (2.1.1) version can you update and try again

Hi again Alex,

We fixed this issue at 7.0 patch version

I've noticed I have not indicated used UI type. We are using Angular, not Blazor. Could you please try that one?

Hi Alexandre,

It looks like there is a problem 5.3 version and later, I created an issue for this I'll fix it

If your problem is solved I'm closing this question ?

Hi fernando,

If you want to customize all account module you can add with source code, which is you already did but in that way you are responsible for the module, all these component is belongs to account module. Also you can replace some component part of account module with ComponentReplacement


Hi Paul,

We find a way out for this problem but It's not that effective, that's why lookin' for better solution I already create an issue for this

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