Aktivity „mmaldonado@emscltd.com“


thank you very much I miss that step

could you provide an example of it?

Thank you very much

the order of scripts is better now, but it still not work.

is it possible to import jquery from header section?

is it a way to refresh redis? I tested on my localhost and it works. Also something interesting is,



any idea why jquery is not on production ?


I did, and it is not working

is it possible that you help me on a meeting?


Let me know when you fix this problem please to delete my own implementation


Check list about errors

  • Change the dynamic proxy to static
    • Not sure why it does not work with dynamic but after fix all errors it did not work with dynamic
    • I have an integration with IdentityService, and my gateway expose 7 different services, not sure if it is related
  • Fix the app service name to use AppService post fix
    • It was one service that was not resolved so is better to follow name conventions
  • The generations of the client has to be on the owner of the implementation
    • I was creating a client of MicroService B inside MicroService A
    • Also the reference of projects was not correct

Thanks so much for your help


Open the ServiceBHttpClientModule class and change AddHttpClientProxies to AddStaticHttpClientProxies

You can search for AddHttpClientProxies globally and replace it with AddStaticHttpClientProxies in the MicroserviceB solution.


I am still facing a problem, is it possible to set a meeting to show you so you could help me find the error?


It looks like you are using the Dynamic proxy.

The Dynamic proxy system needs to get the API defines from the gateway.

You can consider using the Static proxy.

  • Run the abp generate-proxy -t csharp -m TheModuleNameOfServiceB -u TheURLOfServiceB on the ServiceB.HttpApi.Client project directory
  • Open the ServiceBHttpClientModule class and change AddHttpClientProxies to AddStaticHttpClientProxies

Now it should be working.

If you don't know the TheModuleNameOfServiceB, you can access the TheURLOfServiceB:/api/abp/api-definition endpoint to check it.


It still load with dynamic proxy

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marca 25, 2024, 15:11