"EngincanV" 'in aktiviteleri

Hi @cellero, please wrap your create and update methods with try-catch blocks and handle exception by yourself (by using HandleErrorAsync method). => https://support.abp.io/QA/Questions/1523/Blazor-Server-ABP-Exception-Dialog-not-shown#answer-7939465b-3349-3100-2cc1-39fd4fd8c78a

private async Task CreateBookAsync()
      await BooksAppService.CreateAsync(NewBook);
      await GetBooksAsync();
   catch (Exception ex)
      await HandleErrorAsync(ex);
  • Please also be sure about your *.razor page inherits from your base component.
@page "/books"
@attribute [Authorize(MyPermissions.Books.Default)]
@inherits MyPageComponentBase //be sure about your razor page inherits from your base component

Hi @viswajwalith, with v4.4.1 you can add custom CSS by specifying cssClass for your menu items.

Hi @Shoba24, it seems your credentials are wrong. Can you check your username and password in smtp settings?

  • Abp.Mailing.Smtp.Password must be an encrypted value. (https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/4.4/Emailing#encrypt-the-smtp-password)
  • So you may want to define your password by using SettingManager. It internally encrypts the values on set and decrypts on get.
public class YourDomainModule : AbpModule
   public override void OnApplicationInitialization(ApplicationInitializationContext context)
      var settingManager = context.ServiceProvider.GetService<SettingManager>();
      //encrypts the password on set and decrypts on get
      settingManager.SetGlobalAsync(EmailSettingNames.Smtp.Password, "your_password");

Hi @piseth, we've integrated the plugin package into your project and send it back to you via e-mail.


Hi @IxpanLimited, you can send an email to account@volosoft.com or request an invoice from https://commercial.abp.io/my-organizations .


Hi @IxpanLimited, did you purchase your license through 2Checkout gateway? If it is, they should have sent the PDF invoice to your email address, can you check it from there?

Hi @vincent.goh, after you've created the microservice startup template you can delete the example product service (and related parts with that) and add a new service by following this document.

  • After created a new service, open the Suite and click the Add an existing solution button. Then, specify the new created service path and click Ok button.

  • Then you will be able to generate crud pages for your service.

Hi @jtalion, there is not any preview version that you can use for that feature for now. As @Albert mentioned, it will be added with next version(v5.0-preview). And the planned release date is November 18 for v5.0.

Hi, Thanks for your reply. However, this approach is not feasible for our requirement. What we need is -

A report with list of users present in the system with last login date and time. The management needs such kind of report on a need basis. Is there a way query this information and provide it for all the users in the system.

When I try to filter security logs by action as Logout, I don't see any results. Looks like the Logout action is not captured in Audit logs.

Hi @Repunjay,

1-) There is not any build-in way to get list of users with last login date and time. You need to implement it by yourself. You can use IIdentitySecurityLogRepository. (You need to query AbpSecurityLogs table of your database by your needs.)

  • You can also completely rewrite the function of the security log.

2-) Actually Logout action is captured. You can view it from Security Logs page. By the way, Audit logs and Security logs are two different things.

  • Security Logs page is used to search and view authentication related operations (login, logout, change password...) in the system.
  • Audit Logs provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, or event.

You're welcome @Marten, thanks for your clear explanation.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on Mart 25, 2024, 15:11