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ABP Suite feature request — 2024 #6529

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alper 创建
支持团队 Director

What feature would you like to see in ABP Suite in the new version?

52 答案
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    improwise 创建

    It would be nice if there was a solution wide option for multi tenant so that you did not have to manually select it each time you create a new entity. I would assume that if you have some entities that are multi tenant, you would probably want most of them to be that as well. Of course there would need to be an option to still deselect it for each entity when you create it.

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    torronea 创建

    I'd like either an improved version of chat module or guide on customizing it. Default version is nice for demo but we should be able to customize things like:

    • Who can users search for, and in which tenant(s). For example, we might want to only allow chat between existing tenant or only to open chat with HOST tenant users
    • Groups and roles. For example, customer service group that is a shared inbox for a group of users. Customer roles should be only able to open chat with this roles, not every other client
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on 三月 25, 2024, 15:11