
Can you also add the loading spinner to the DataGrid when you update this template? How can I add the same one that you are already using?

Sorry, I didn't get it.

In your DataGrids in the admin panel you have a loading animation / loading spinner. How can I also integrate this into the DataGrid generated by the Suite? And can you include this as a default?

Ok, I have found the cause and asked a separate question.

Thank you for your support, I think we can now close the question.

  • ABP Framework version: v8.0.4

  • UI Type: Blazor Server

  • Database System: EF Core (SQL Server)

  • Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): no

  • Steps to reproduce the issue: Create a page generated with ABP Suite and start it in a low-performance environment (in our case in combination with Redis) and sort the entries, for example.

In relation to Redis and the associated poorer performance, we have noticed a bug in the page generated with the ABP Suite. If the page is re-rendered with await InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);, this can cause the toolbar buttons to flicker. This can only be seen if the performance is not optimal, so it was probably not noticed during development.

Look at my screencast

Since this is not the case with the admin pages, I have compared the code with that of the user list. I could see the difference as follows:

My generated page:


If I change it so that the PageHeader is in the CardHeader, then the problem is solved and the toolbar is not re-rendered every time.

I realize that this is not ideal, as the PageHeader does not belong to the Search-Card, but maybe you can find a better way to solve the problem.

Other question: Loading Spinner: Can you also add the loading spinner to the DataGrid when you update this template? How can I add the same one that you are already using?

Ok... hm... these are my stats:

But something is still completely unclear to me. Why do I NOT notice these delays in the admin views? (e.g. language management texts or security logs)? These are loaded very quickly, although there are many more entries there.

The most annoying thing is that the buttons in the toolbar are reloaded with every click in the grid. Why is this the situation? Permissions only need to be checked when the page is loaded.

Thank you for taking the time to do the test.

I have now installed Redis directly in Ubuntu with WSL2 (without Docker). And it's already running twice as fast. It's not perfect yet, but it's much better.

I'm looking forward to seeing how fast it runs in an Azure deployment.

Do you run Redis the same way? (Ubuntu) or are you running it in Docker?

Ok... strange... but yes, it runs smoothly in your video. Redis is really enabled? ;-)

For 4 entries in the list 823 ms instead of 61 ms is not nothing and from my point of view not usable. You can see this in the behavior of the UI (see video with the delay and the "flickering" of the buttons). The user experience suffers greatly as a result. I can still do tests to see how it looks with large lists...

With 20 items it already takes 1315 ms... I don't want to know how long you have to wait with many more items.


I can't find the test project. Can you share it again? I will test it again.


Sure, I send you an email.

The following is also interesting: I apparently ONLY have delays with the lists generated with the ABP Suite. There are no such delays with those from the admin area (e.g. audit protocols).

But your test was with an EMPTY list! That is not representative. I don't have any problems or delays with an empty list.

Have you seen my screencast? This delay is not normal and I can't imagine where it's coming from. It's not only the loading of the data GetRaumkategorienAsync() that takes a long time, but InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged); that causes this delay. Why is that?

For 4 entries in the list 823 ms instead of 61 ms is not nothing and from my point of view not usable. You can see this in the behavior of the UI (see video with the delay and the "flickering" of the buttons). The user experience suffers greatly as a result. I can still do tests to see how it looks with large lists...


Can you share your test project?

You already have it ;-) Should I send you the link again or can you find my e-mail? Last time (two months ago) you did the test with an empty list. Please enter a few entries this time so that you have a meaningful result.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on 三月 25, 2024, 15:11