

Yes you can.

But I recommend you create a shared project

You can change the href in the MenuContributor

The shared project can reference to the application project.

/Pages/Account/ not wwwroot

Could you use the CLI to create a new project to reproduce the problem and share it with me? I will check it. My email is



You can create a shared project and place components to reuse the Blazor components.

For example:

Component.Shared project:


<p>This is a reuse Blazor component<p>

Service A project

Service A Index page

Service B project

Service B Index page


You need to override the PublishAsync method of AzureDistributedEventBus

For example:

public interface IEventDataHasScheduledEnqueueTime
    DateTimeOffset ScheduledEnqueueTime { get; set; }

[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
[ExposeServices(typeof(IDistributedEventBus), typeof(AzureDistributedEventBus))]
public class MyAzureDistributedEventBus : AzureDistributedEventBus
    public MyAzureDistributedEventBus(IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory, ICurrentTenant currentTenant, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager, IOptions<AbpDistributedEventBusOptions> abpDistributedEventBusOptions, IGuidGenerator guidGenerator, IClock clock, IOptions<AbpAzureEventBusOptions> abpAzureEventBusOptions, IAzureServiceBusSerializer serializer, IAzureServiceBusMessageConsumerFactory messageConsumerFactory, IPublisherPool publisherPool, IEventHandlerInvoker eventHandlerInvoker, ILocalEventBus localEventBus, ICorrelationIdProvider correlationIdProvider) : base(serviceScopeFactory, currentTenant, unitOfWorkManager, abpDistributedEventBusOptions, guidGenerator, clock, abpAzureEventBusOptions, serializer, messageConsumerFactory, publisherPool, eventHandlerInvoker, localEventBus, correlationIdProvider)

    protected async override Task PublishAsync(string eventName, object eventData)
        var body = Serializer.Serialize(eventData);
        var message = new ServiceBusMessage(body)
            Subject = eventName
        if (eventData is IEventDataHasScheduledEnqueueTime eventDataHasScheduledEnqueueTime)
            message.ScheduledEnqueueTime = eventDataHasScheduledEnqueueTime.ScheduledEnqueueTime;

        if (message.MessageId.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
            message.MessageId = GuidGenerator.Create().ToString("N");

        message.CorrelationId = CorrelationIdProvider.Get();

        var publisher = await PublisherPool.GetAsync(

        await publisher.SendMessageAsync(message);


You can try to install the Yarnv1.20+ (not v2).

then run yarn install command to restore the packages


Maybe you need this

You can add to the Host project

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