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Forgot Password #1758

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Spospisil बनाया था
  • ABP Framework version: v4.4.0
  • UI type: MVC
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

I've generated a solution from ABP suite with the above mentioned options. I've chosen to remove all the abp generated prefixes to all the tables using the below code blocks, but when I click the 'Forgot password' link on the standard 'Login Page' and enter the email for the user I wish to send an email to, I get the above detailed error.

I've specified the below code in the program.cs class of the IdentityServer, HttpAPI.Host projects in addition to adding the block to the DbMigratorHostedService.cs class in the DbMirgrator project.

        AbpPermissionManagementDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
        AbpSettingManagementDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
        AbpCommonDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
        SaasDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
        AbpIdentityServerDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;

Additionally in the DBContextBase.cs class of the .EntityFrameworkCore project I've specified this block of code.

        builder.ConfigurePermissionManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureSettingManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureBackgroundJobs(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureAuditLogging(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureIdentityPro(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureIdentityServer(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureFeatureManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureLanguageManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureSaas(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureTextTemplateManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
        builder.ConfigureBlobStoring(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });

2 उत्तर (ओं)
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    maliming बनाया था
    सहायता दल Fullstack Developer


    I think you need change all DbProperties.DbTablePrefix to string.Empty

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    Spospisil बनाया था

    Just so others can reference should they have similar issues in the future here is the entire set of TablePrefix settings that need to be configured if you want to change the table name prefix for the standard ABP tables.

            builder.ConfigurePermissionManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureSettingManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureBackgroundJobs(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureAuditLogging(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureIdentity(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureIdentityPro(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureIdentityServer(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureFeatureManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureLanguageManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigurePayment(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureSaas(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureTextTemplateManagement(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            builder.ConfigureBlobStoring(options => { options.TablePrefix = ""; });
            AbpPermissionManagementDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            AbpSettingManagementDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            BackgroundJobsDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            AbpAuditLoggingDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            BlobStoringDatabaseDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            AbpCommonDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            FeatureManagementDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            LanguageManagementDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            SaasDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            TextTemplateManagementDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            AbpIdentityDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
            AbpIdentityServerDbProperties.DbTablePrefix = string.Empty;
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11