Activities of "andmattia"


The Idea is to have a UI similar at this:

but if you create a module from suite the module use @volo/

And I set my class like I has describe in fist post.

When I build module import in a final app that use @volosoft/ some classes not existes (es lepton1)

The html work on Lepton but not in Lepton-x. So it not possibible devleop a component based on lepton (default in module template). I need to convert all module to Lepton-X?

About Lepton-X where I can see a full guide (like a metronic on ASPNET Zero)?



I see this doc but ther'is not a full guide for classes and component.

And about module?

I see and I try

Ok I try.



I try and write my feedback.


yes I do and it works but my request (look at imege on first message) is to inject in Manage profile.

can I use


export function configureTabs(tabs: ManageProfileTabsService) {
 return () => {   

This service is undere AccountPro


Your link it's refer to setting in administration area my request is to inject in user setting menu

I can do it for single get method or need to be enable for all?


so I need to create all manually or create a second solution from scratch, copy on my own solution and adjust name/proxy?


I check the permission from gateway api side and it works fine but permission are defined in Application.Contracts reather then Settings that are defined in Domain.

My Ocelot use this config

            "DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator": true,
            "ServiceKey": "Administration Service",
            "DownstreamPathTemplate": "/api/abp/{everything}",
            "DownstreamScheme": "https",
            "DownstreamHostAndPorts": [
                    "Host": "localhost",
                    "Port": 44367
            "UpstreamPathTemplate": "/api/abp/{everything}",
            "UpstreamHttpMethod": [

The output from Angular

And I miss the Setting from the other module/s.

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