Activities of "maliming"

hi @talhazengin

Please share some code, what I see from the picture is not particularly clear.

Property injection will work after the constructor is executed.

hi rajasekhard2015 Can you share the full steps to reproduce your problem?

Maybe LocalizationResource can solve your problem.


There is a "modules" page in abp suite. You can download from there.

And abp cli get-source cmmand to get the source code.


  abp get-source <module-name> [options]


-o|--output-folder <output-folder>          (default: current folder)
-v|--version <version>                      (default: latest version)


  abp get-source Volo.Blogging
  abp get-source Volo.Blogging -o d:\my-project

See the documentation for more info:


We will fix this problem, you can use the code below to solve it temporarily.

public class MyConsentModel : ConsentModel
	private readonly IIdentityServerInteractionService _interaction;

	public MyConsentModel(
		IIdentityServerInteractionService interaction, 
		IClientStore clientStore,
		IResourceStore resourceStore) 
		: base(interaction, clientStore, resourceStore)
		_interaction = interaction;

	protected override async Task<ConsentModel.ProcessConsentResult> ProcessConsentAsync()
		var result = new ConsentModel.ProcessConsentResult();

		ConsentResponse grantedConsent;

		if (ConsentInput.UserDecision == "no")
			grantedConsent = ConsentResponse.Denied;
			if (ConsentInput.IdentityScopes.Any() || ConsentInput.ApiScopes.Any())
				var identityScopes = ConsentInput.IdentityScopes ?? new List<ConsentModel.ScopeViewModel>();
				var apiScopes = ConsentInput.ApiScopes ?? new List<ConsentModel.ScopeViewModel>();

				grantedConsent = new ConsentResponse
					RememberConsent = ConsentInput.RememberConsent,
					ScopesConsented = identityScopes.Union(apiScopes).Where(s => s.Checked).Select(s => s.Name).ToList()
				throw new UserFriendlyException("You must pick at least one permission"); //TODO: How to handle this

		if (grantedConsent != null)
			var request = await _interaction.GetAuthorizationContextAsync(ReturnUrl);
			if (request == null)
				return result;

			await _interaction.GrantConsentAsync(request, grantedConsent);

			result.RedirectUri = ReturnUrl; //TODO: ReturnUrlHash?

		return result;

It is expected to be resolved in version 2.2. Please stay tuned.

Please share your email configuration.

One more question, is there a place to configure disable the email sending ?

It is not yet configurable, we can consider adding a setting to configure it.

Have you used MailKit in zero?

If yes, please use Volo.Abp.MailKit in abp vnext

Just reference the package.


What are the steps to reproduce the problem?

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on března 25, 2024, 15:11