Activities of "masum.ulu"

Hi Sergie,

Yes you can change NavbarComponent with eThemeLeptonComponents.NavItems key from @volo/ library.

For detail please check Component replacement document

Hi again,

I've created an issue also I refunded your credit. This problem will fixed on 7.3-patch version Also PR


Hello, sorry for late reply have you check the Data table column extensions document ?

You can track the status at here

Okay it'll fixed with 7.3.0

Hello, thanks for the response and the refunded credit. What would be the estimated time for the next version?

Hi again,

Can you open the DevTools and go to file-management path after that open console tab please, you must get an error like below

I just want to be sure that's your problem, otherwise we can look for real problem

Hi pvala, We're working on it it'll fix next version (7.3-final). I Refunded your credit



Actually there is already option for that can you please check the Dynamic-Form-Extensions Document

Hello, here's the PR , It'll fixed after 7.3-final publish. I've refunded your credit 🙂

Hi can you please make the same version all @abp, @volo and @volosoft pacakges

All packages version must be same

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