Activities of "paykoolbackend"


May not be enough, and other services may get a table not found error. You'd better change this in all projects that reference or indirectly reference to AbpAuditLoggingEntityFrameworkCoreModule

hi, could you provide some examples of the implementation? I am not sure where and how to add this


You can change this static variable in Program.cs of all projects

AbpAuditLoggingDbProperties.DbSchema = "xxx" 

As I am using the microservice templeate, only HttpApi.Host contains the program.cs, add the static variable in here in enough?


hi, yes I have added this configuration and I found the log is actually inserted into the table with schema dbo dbo.[AbpAuditLogs] dbo.[AbpAuditLogActions] dbo.[AbpEntityChanges] dbo.[AbpEntityPropertyChanges]

Can I customize the schema of these tables? who to override AbpCommonDbProperties?


Thank you so much. It resolved the error. However, when doing CRUD of the app service function, there is no record inserted to the AuditLog related tables. What else do I need to configure?


Do you depend on the AbpAuditLoggingEntityFrameworkCoreModule on the EntityFrameworkCore layer?



In ConfigureServices

Configure< AbpDbContextOptions>(options =>
    options.Configure< MyServiceDbContext>(c =>
        c.UseSqlServer(b =>
            b.MigrationsHistoryTable("__MyService_Migrations", MyServiceDbProperties.DbSchema);

I found it gets deleted, so I didn't see any records in the table.

In my local test, why is the event written to the outbox table only when I set "BatchPublishOutboxEvents" to false?

I found a solution.


I wrote the following code to override the DefaultAzureBlobNameCalculator service, but it cannot enter the TestBlobNameCalculator/Calculate.

And throw error "Could not found the requested BLOB 'test.pdf' in the container 'TestContainer'!".

Did I miss something?

public class TestBlobNameCalculator : DefaultAzureBlobNameCalculator
    public TestBlobNameCalculator(ICurrentTenant currentTenant) : base(currentTenant)

    public override string Calculate(BlobProviderArgs args)
        if (args.ContainerName == "testContainer")
            return args.BlobName;

        return base.Calculate(args);

OK, thank you.

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