"viswajwalith" की गतिविधियाँ



You can get the source code of LeptonX by using the below command, and you can customize it as per your requirements.

abp get-source Volo.LeptonTheme --version 7.3.1 

Thanks, Anjali

Thanks for the update, you mean the provide command will give the source code for the leptonX demo site (https://x.leptontheme.com/) as well?


ABP Framework version: v7.1.3 UI Type: MVC Database System: SQL Server / MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Exception message and full stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:

We are in the process of upgrading to ABP 7.1.3, after upgrading to LeptonX we observed that some of the featurs avaiable in LeponX demo site is not there as part of ABP 7,

for example

  1. Grid like : https://x.leptontheme.com/side-menu/custom-pages/subscriptions-list

  2. Add favourite

  3. Theme colors customization

We understand demo site is having some cusomizations, but do we have full source code for Demo site of LeptonX so that we can follow the same to implement above kind of featurs.



You can share the logs of authserver now without set level.

You can close this ticket, We found the issue, we missed adding options.Conventions.AuthorizePage("/XXXXService/XXXXManagements/Edit/Index", XXXXServicePermissions.XXXXManagements.Default); after adding so it worked fine.



It seems the logs don't contain authserver website.

Can you share the logs of all website? Thanks

Also set the level to Debug will be best.

public async static Task<int> Main(string[] args) 
    Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() 
        .WriteTo.Async(c => c.File("Logs/logs.txt")) 
        .WriteTo.Async(c => c.Console()) 

for this we had to deploy the code, will share that tomorrow



Please share the full logs.txt of your video, I guess the return url has wrong.



Sent a logs to ur email, let me know if anything is needed more on this



shared the screen recording to ur email malimings@gmail.com



Please share some info first. Then we can join a zoom meeting.

ok, will send



I do not understand it very well. Can you share some screenshots, code and logs? Thanks

Is it possible to have a screenshare session ?



Please share the logs.

There is a RedirectAllowedUrls in the AppUrlOptions

You can add your URL to it or override the IsRedirectAllowedUrl method of IAppUrlProvider.

I think there is small miss communication, when users are clicking on the application URL link, they are able to login and navihate to the application.

but our requirement is redirect to Specific Module specific URL after successful login. In our case this is perfectly working for Service A but not behaving same for Service B and ABP. Forms module.

In case of service B, the user is able to login and just landed to Default/Home page not the module sepcific page https://test.com/ServiceBMyObjectA/Edit/?id=d1268bec-b1ae-8397-c175-3a0e9c194353


ABP Framework version: v5.1.3 UI Type: MVC Database System: SQL Server / MongoDB Tiered (for MVC) or Auth Server Separated (for Angular): yes Exception message and full stack trace: Steps to reproduce the issue:

We have using the Emailing functionality in our application and sending the URL link as part of the email, for most of the services the user is getting redirected after successful login but for emails from Abp forms and from specific service module it is just going to home page not redirecting to desired page. Any idea?

For an example We have two services Service A and Service B,

URL for Servica A is perfectly working https://test.com/ServiceA/MyObjectA/Edit/?id=506d357d-bb97-f086-713c-3a0e9c192693

where as URL for Service B is not working https://test.com/ServiceBMyObjectA/Edit/?id=d1268bec-b1ae-8397-c175-3a0e9c194353

Do we need to do any configurations for the same? Please advise.

309 प्रविष्टियों में 31 से 40 दिखा रहा है
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11