Activities of "liangshiwei"

Can you share some screenshots?

is there any error log.


You can try adding breakpoints for debugging.

Has the GlobalExceptionFilter been executed?


I have no idea. Could you share an example project with me? i will check it. thanks. my email is


Are you looking for this?


It will add .abpmdl file. No code will change.

How do I reverse it back if I still need it to be worked out of ABP Studio?

you can remove it.

I don't know yet.

Could you try this?

Configure<OpenIddictServerOptions>(options =>
    options.TokenValidationParameters.IssuerValidator = TokenWildcardIssuerValidator.IssuerValidator;
    options.TokenValidationParameters.ValidIssuers = new[]

If still not working, could you share an example project with me via email? I will check it. My email is thanks.

This is the PR that will fix the problem.

If I do /Pages/Account the Host doesn't load.

can you share some screenshots


Because it is a new independent transaction, EF Core entity tracking doesn't detect them


Because creating shared projects allows for better reuse of components, you may have other services that need to use these components in the future.

another problem when using app.UsePathBase is that the language selection does not work in either the mobile view or the desktop view. After selecting the language, the URL changes from “” to “”

You don't need to app.UsePathBase

What does not work with the MobileNavbar is the menu item “Login” with href=“/account/login”. Can I overwrite this href tag? I haven't found anything about this.

This seems looks problem, we will fix it in the next patch version

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on March 25, 2024, 15:11