"masum.ulu" की गतिविधियाँ


Hi again,

In your custom project, when you import CoreModule to AppModule, it'll request a few abp end-point check details

If you not authenticated with angular project app-configuration model will be null or empty which means you'll show isAuthenticated: false

I understand that you can reach any abp end-point from you custom angular project but response is not returns as expected. It's because of you not authenticated for angular client application. Can you please share a gif/video how you login on angular project ?

Well I'm just trying to use the abp-modal element as follows:

<abp-modal [(visible)]="isModalOpen" [busy]="isModalBusy" [size]="modalSize" id="myModal" (disappear)="onClose()" [options]="ngModalOptions">

None of the other attributes are throwing an error. Only [options] is throwing the following error: Can't bind to 'options' since it isn't a known property of 'abp-modal'.

So I'm not sure why only this attribute is throwing an error while everything else is recognized and working fine.

Hi, because in your version there is not input as options If you update your project to 4.3.x it'll work


Hello, In version 4.2.2 there is no option @Input() You need to update project to version 4.3.x


Hi again,

Have you solved your problem ? 🙂


If you using abp on backend, why you create custom angular project with Angular CLI ? Instead using ABP CLI. I suggest to create new project with same parameters and copy angular folder to your existing project.


I clear the local storage, that allow as to check what happens if the token expires (including for a deactivated user)

Normally if token expires, it'll logout or uses refresh_token


Hi again,

  • Your "@abp/ng.schematics": "^6.0.3" package still got 6.x.x version it must be "~7.3.2".
  • theme-shared package uses @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap, the version must be"^15.0.0" please check theme-shared package's dependency version.
  • @ng-select/ng-select package's version seems like ^9.1.0 it'll install 9.latest.latest but your angular version is 16.0.latest it must be ^11.0.0

It seems like you depending a lot of package please be careful semantic versioning


You can reach the old version via changing branch or you can use tags for exac version https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/6b5ab21c41b12b1bee55e9e021db179109a8700a/templates/app/angular/package.json#L24-L32


Hi again,

That's why you getting exception. Can you please try to create empty project with @angular packages version ~16.0.0 don't forget ~ it'll install latest patch version ex: 16.0.latest

So your project must be use Angular 16 version or you can use @abp packages old version. Please check the template folder for your version matrix



Which angular version your custom project can you please share your @angular/* and @angular-* package's versions please ?

For ABP 7.3.x version angular versions must be ~16.0.0 you can check @angular and @abp versions matrix at the template

195 प्रविष्टियों में 81 से 90 दिखा रहा है
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on मार्च 25, 2024, 15:11