Activities of "masum.ulu"

Also I've created an issue for the prevent de-active yourself you can check Issue


Which UI theme you using ?


Why you clear local storage manuel instead using logout button ? Yet I'll open an issue about the "what's gonna happend after deactive yourself".

If you use logout button, there won't be any problem in case


Do you still have this problem ? Have you tried with the new version ?

Ok. So, if I correctly get it, for the time being, the only source code supported by abp get-source is modules. For specific packages like @volo/, the only option is to add packages with source. Is it correct?

Yes allesio that's correct


  • Can you check Navigation Menu Document

  • You can also manipulate existing item

Hi Sergei,

We'll publish new feature in 7.4 version you can track here. We are also updating our modules for mobile toolbar feature check PR

Hi smansuri,

Can you try this solution at your nginx.conf file

The Angular project is still not building.

Hi, your @angular* packages must be updated to ~16.0.* version because we are using this version with the ~7.3.* abp version

Check the template

Also make sure all package have same version

  • @abp/*
  • @volo/*
  • @volosoft/*

@abp and @volo must be ~7.3.0 @volosoft (Which means theme.lepton-x) must be ~2.3.x

Hi bhasinp,

It's because of you give the same route value with @volo/ package in users page, If you want to use /identity/users path for your custom page then you need to patch existing route with the RoutesService. You can use eIdentityRouteNames enum from @volo/ package.

Please check the docs for patch item

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on March 25, 2024, 15:11