Activities of "masum.ulu"


Hi shobhit,

I see the a few problem in the question, so I want to understand correctly, what's the real problem and how can I reproduce this ? Can you please tell step by step for the reach error ?


  • You add any module to your project with source code please check add-package command
  • This is the example for theme-basic

  • If you want to download all source code backend & frontend check get-source command
  • You can also get with suite:

Lastly you can read this topic:



  • Please check Permission Management Document for customization, all logics run here for prevent to navigate page and show/hide menu item customize this service
  • PermissionGuard You need to replace this not AuthGuard it just check current user have token or not

Okay then I'll check again our templates. The correct method must be stable version of packages for your case can you make it manuel for the fix problem please. Also for packages If you use ^ or ~ packages versions can be like:

"@abp/ng.core": "~7.3.0" ~ will take latest of the last number 7.3.latest "@abp/ng.core": "^7.0.0" ^ will take latest of the last 2 numbers 7.latest.latest


Sorry for late answer, have you tried to request with correct casing ? Is it work then because in this version I've tried and It didn't throw exception

I'm not sure if this is good practice because for the 7.2 update we ended up with a lepton preview package that has since been removed. And during the 7.3 update we also found ourselves with a lepton package in preview.

You have to stay on stable when upgrading.

Hi again, Yes we're not update our templates before stable for our packages. Do you use preview version of CLI ?


In 7.2.x version file-management module's uses @uppy/* packages old version It must be fixed in 7.3.x here's the detail

At the commercial demo we had same issue after update it fixed can you please try on latest version thank you 🙂


How can I use my own guard in the "route.provider.ts" I need to hide/show menu items based on my own logic, not the "requiredPolicy" property.

Hello, can you try invisible property for that please?

Hi again serge,

Your project version is really old can you please create new project with the newer versions and try to replace again ? I've replace mobile toolbar also you can check: similar problem and it fixed

Hi again,

I'm not sure but LeptonX releases after abp & volo packages, it was the latest version in that time. Also ^ (caret) sign will take latest version of the package that's why even if the version 2.0.0 it'll take 2.latest-version.latest-version of the package.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on March 25, 2024, 15:11