Aktivity „alper“

Remove ABP CLI

dotnet tool uninstall volo.abp.cli -g

Remove Suite

dotnet tool uninstall volo.abp.suite -g

there's no way to use CrudService without an IEntity derivation. you need to make paging sorting filtering manually

This shows how you can add a menu item

Add this to App.component

import { AddRoute } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { Store } from '@ngxs/store';
// ...
constructor(private store: Store){}
ngOnInit() {
  new AddRoute({
    name: 'Your Custom Page',
    path: 'your-path',
    parentName: 'AbpUiNavigation::Menu:Administration',
    order: 0,
  new AddRoute({
    name: 'Child 1',
    path: '',
    parentName: 'Your Custom Page',
    order: 1,
  new AddRoute({
    name: 'Child 2',
    path: 'child',
    parentName: 'Your Custom Page',
    order: 2,

After that, it'll be as shown below

don't use CrudAppService if you don't have an entity. you need to create normal AppService

public class MyAppService : ApplicationService, IMyAppService
    public async Task DoWorkAsync(DoWorkInput input)
         await _yourWebService.DoWorkAsync(input.myValue);

can you login to abp cli and try again

abp login <username>

I've just tested now, without errors

to update your solution, go to your .sln directory and run the below command

abp update

This class is in the all License types. So you must have a Module class in your Web project.


You don't have MyProjectWebModule.cs , you must have XXXWebModule.cs where XXX is your project name.

Good to hear it passes somehow. I'm creating an internal issue about this problem. By the way SourceLink doesn't affect any functionality in your project. It's just a way to debug your live project. As long as you don't debug your project while it's running on production, it's better to cut off this package reference.

To the ABP Team => Track from 1484

I mean remove all SourceLink facilities (Microsoft.SourceLink.AzureRepos.Git as well). We're trying to understand if there's an issue about SourceLink or something different .

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on marca 25, 2024, 15:11