"alper" 'in aktiviteleri

Is there any issue with the ABP Angular project that blocks you from using CkEditor? Because it should be working if you follow its documentation

you can close this ticket if it's closed for you.

we reopened this ticket. you can write the recent status of this problem

Your license will be updated in 24 hours prior your purchase. Cache servers need some time to apply this payment

maybe you changed your company name or license key ? the other customers don't have such a problem right now

Try to download this package at your browser: https://nuget.abp.io/66b054bb-*********-0c9889a855b1/v3/package/Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Admin.Application/7.4.2/Volo.Abp.Account.Pro.Admin.Application.7.4.2.nupkg

Note: I hide some parts of your NuGet key, so write your NuGet key in the URL

can you try now?

you can write the latest siutation

can we close this ticket?

closing the issue. you can re-open if you still have a problem

Create the following DemoDataSeedContributor.cs in your Domain project. This is a sample class that seeds your DB with dummy editions, tenants, roles, users and organizations. This class implements IDataSeedContributor, therefore, DbMigrator will add the specified data to your DB.

You can find the class at https://gist.github.com/ebicoglu/f1bafc8f339924c0fe2baac679353077

1941 kayıttan 31 ile 40 arası gösteriliyor.
Made with ❤️ on ABP v8.2.0-preview Updated on Mart 25, 2024, 15:11